Forest Generator - Creative PlaythingWelcome to this online utility allowing you to create a forest of random trees. Plant seeds and watch your trees grow - then move them around at will, constructing your very own enchanted forest. How to use this forest creation simulationThis forest simulation can be viewed on a computer or mobile device, although it requires a fairly fast processor to run effectively. Moving the mouse pointer over the ground area will show a Hovering the mouse near the base of a tree will allow you to There is a row of buttons at the top of the screen. In order to provide an uncluttered display these buttons will be hidden after a short time of inactivity, but will reappear if the mouse pointer is moved in that area. The buttons include controls which allow you to move your point of view around the forest - you can move down, up, left, right, forward or backwards, and you can spin the viewpoint to the left or right. There is also a button to control whether the trees are drawn with or without leaves. Additionally, the arrow and WASD keys can be used to move yourself around the forest Create and construct your enchanted forest, with this forest image maker. Fun Interactive WebsitesIf you enjoy playing with this interactive forestation plaything you will probably like these other cool sites:- what's the difference game with over 70 levels and completely free. Also check Pointless Sites for hundreds of interactive sites - over ten years of wonderful pointlessness. Finally Combination Lock and Chillouts are worth a visit for puzzling then meditating to get over it! About this forest generatorThis site uses HTML5 to create its visual effects. Most modern web browsers will display this content, but some older browsers might not work. If this is the case you can download a free browser such as Chrome or Firefox which will support HTML5.